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Riverbed SteelCentral Application Performance Management
Monitoring, troubleshooting and management of applications

SteelCentral APM is the only application performance management solution with integrated end-user experience monitoring, granular transaction capture, and HDAnalytics.

SteelCentral Application Performance Management
SteelCentral Application Performance Management
SteelCentral Application Performance Management

What’s new in AppInternals 9.0

SteelCentral AppInternals provides visibility into the performance of applications, combining end-user experience monitoring and code-level transaction tracing. Read what's new in SteelCentral AppInternals 9.0.

Application Performance Management Products

SteelCentral AppResponse

Formerly Known As: OPNET AppResponse

Delivering consistent and reliable application performance across today’s networks is difficult. When problems arise, understanding where and why they are occurring can be even harder. Learn how SteelCentral AppResponse provides insight into end-user experience and application performance.

SteelCentral Web Analyzer

Formerly Known As: OPNET AppResponse Xpert BrowserMetrix

Understand how web page performance varies by browser, device, and platform with SteelCentral Web Analyzer is available as a SaaS-based or on-premise solution for monitoring the true behavior of web and cloud applications.

SteelCentral AppInternals

Formerly Known As: OPNET AppInternals software

See deep inside your applications to diagnose the root causes of performance problems with SteelCentral AppInternals. By combining end-user experience monitoring, code-level transaction tracing and deep application component monitoring into a unified solution, you get a data-driven approach and valuable context for analyzing application performance.

SteelCentral AppMapper

Formerly Known As: OPNET AppMapper Xpert software

Know your applications and the infrastructure needed to keep them running. SteelCentral AppMapper takes performance data from multiple sources to produce run-time application dependency maps for a complete picture of your application and infrastructure components. It’s a fantastic tool to use prior to any migration.

SteelCentral for Performance Management and Control

Formerly Known As: OPNET, Cascade, NEOP

Riverbed performance management and centralized management is the only end-to-end solution that combines user experience, application, and network visibility to detect and resolve issues before end users notice.

Riverbed SteelCentral provides end-user, application, and network performance management and centralized control. Riverbed delivers visibility, analytics, and insight empowering companies to leverage IT to innovate and differentiate from the competition. SteelCentral drastically reduces the time and effort required to develop, deploy, and ensure application performance. Its solutions are leveraged throughout today’s rapid application lifecycles and across IT operations and development teams, providing a centralized and common solution to maximize efficiency, performance, and productivity in today’s application driven world.

“The ability of Riverbed to quickly distinguish server, network, and applica­tion problems … has greatly increased IT staff productivity.  And the less time we spend troubleshooting and upgrading, the more time we have for new projects to make the network even more useful to the hospital system.”
- Ben Aheto, Network Manager, Bellevue Hospital Center