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Riverbed SteelCentral NetCollector
Real-time Network Data Management

Riverbed SteelCentral NetCollector

Riverbed Products
NetCollector (Base sku requires License sku)
NetCollector Base
Our Price: $5,000.00
NetCollector Base Licenses (must select one License sku for each Base)
NetCollector CFG Capacity - S
NetCollector Config collection for 1K devices
Our Price: $25,000.00
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NetCollector CFG Capacity - M
NetCollector Config collection for 3K devices
Our Price: $45,000.00
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NetCollector CFG Capacity - H
NetCollector Config collection for 5K devices
Our Price: $60,000.00
Call For Lowest Price!
NetCollector CFG Capacity - VH
NetCollector Config collection for 10K devices
Our Price: $100,000.00
Call For Lowest Price!

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Business Challenge

Keeping Up with the Network

  • Expensive and slow to manually collect and document the infrastructure in a multi-vendor environment
  • Hard to keep up-to-date with constant network changes
Managing Complex Networks
  • Understanding the relationships between infrastructure elements
  • Inadequate visibility into logical and virtual overlays
Using Point Solutions
  • Disjointed, vendor-specific methods lead to knowledge gaps
  • Lack of integrated reporting leads to inefficient manual reports

The Riverbed Solution

The speed and reliability of the interaction between end users and an application requires a complete view of the applications from an architecture that looks across all critical parts of the application delivery chain. Understanding the network infrastructure from applications perspective requires a network architecture that provides the performance and availability of the underlying IT infrastructure and network contributing to the performance of the application.

Riverbed SteelCentral NetCollector acts as the central topology, traffic, configuration data repository and event integration engine for Riverbed’s SteelCentral Network Planning & Configuration Management (NPCM) suite.

In addition to being a data repository, SteelCentral NetCollector is the mediator for the Riverbed SteelCentral solution suite providing data at multiple timescales:

  • Scheduled and on-demand
  • Polling at regular intervals
  • Event triggered
  • Workflow-initiated in real-time

Riverbed SteelCentral NetCollector

Benefits & Features:

Key Benefits

Improved IT Efficiency

  • Reduce time and effort for collecting and reconciling data from multiple sources
  • Bridge “islands” of information, improving communications between network operations and planning teams

High Availability

  • Faster troubleshooting workflows lead to improved MTTR with quicker resolution of unplanned network and application outages

Focus on Strategic Goals

  • IT staff spends less time putting out fires and more time working on strategic goals like security and policy compliance

Mitigate Risk

  • Run what-if scenarios to accurately plan for changes such as data growth, data center migration, technology migration, and new application

Key Features

Deep Network Analysis

  • Leverages all available sources of data to support multiple use cases
  • Comprehensive L2/L3 network discovery and topology creation
  • Intelligent topology inference using operational (LLDP, CAM, ARP) and configuration data

Rich Data Model

  • Rich configuration, management, and performance data
  • Out-of-the-box support for routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and hosts
  • Common model shared by different analysis solutions
  • Incrementally and automatically refreshed with device updates

Comprehensive Framework

  • Acquires comprehensive data from a variety of modules and devices
  • Custom off-the-shelf adapters to obtain data from operational environment

Features In-depth

Deep Network Discovery and Collection

  • Automated device discovery and vendor detection
  • On-line configuration data collection
    • Routers and switches - Cisco IOS, CatOS, NX-OS, Juniper JunOS, Alcatel-Lucent, Extreme, Huawei, Brocade, Foundry, etc.
    • Firewalls - Cisco PIX ASA FWSM, Juniper NetScreen & SRX, CheckPoint, Nokia
    • Load Balancers - F5, Cisco ACE
    • WAN Accelerators - Riverbed SteelHead
  • SNMP collection
    • Device configuration/topology data
    • Interface utilization and other performance metrics
    • End system detection
  • 3rd Party Integration
    • HPNA, Alcatel SAM

Rich data model

  • Rich configuration, management, and performance data
  • Infer topology and relationships between physical, logical and virtual components
  • Common model shared by different analysis solutions
  • Incrementally and automatically refreshed with device updates
    • Syslog updates

Comprehensive framework

  • Comprehensive configuration and performance data framework that supports:
    • Behavioral simulation
    • Diagramming
    • Configuration validation
    • Configuration change management
    • Network troubleshooting
    • Network monitoring
  • Detailed Reports to understand the network topology and configuration

Related Products:

SteelCentral NetAuditor

Automated network documentation, auditing, security, and policy compliance. NetAuditor helps ensure network integrity, security, and policy compliance by performing automated network-wide configuration audits, analyzing an up-to-date model of your network to diagnose device misconfigurations, policy violations, configuration inefficiencies, and security violations.

SteelCentral NetPlanner

Automated analysis and planning of multi-technology, multi-vendor networks. It performs “what if” analyses to manage risk and cost associated with network growth and change – accelerating application deployments and migration to new technologies, such as VoIP, VPNs, IPv6, and more. OPNET Network Planner’s predictive design environment trends traffic growth for capacity planning, optimizes network designs to reduce the risk of downtime, and proposes QoS configurations to achieve desired network and application performance.

SteelCentral AppResponse Expert

View detailed insight into problems harming performance of web and non-web applications. AppResponse Expert joins together advanced application and transaction insight, end-user experience monitoring, and deep network intelligence into a single appliance to provide total visibility into application performance problems.

SteelCentral NetProfiler

NetProfiler provides an end-to-end network and infrastructure view that helps you manage performance through the lens of the application to easily troubleshoot and find the root cause of network and application issues before your end-users ever know there’s a problem.


Download the Riverbed SteelCentral NetCollector Datasheet (.PDF)

Pricing Notes:

Riverbed Products
NetCollector (Base sku requires License sku)
NetCollector Base
Our Price: $5,000.00
NetCollector Base Licenses (must select one License sku for each Base)
NetCollector CFG Capacity - S
NetCollector Config collection for 1K devices
Our Price: $25,000.00
Call For Lowest Price!
NetCollector CFG Capacity - M
NetCollector Config collection for 3K devices
Our Price: $45,000.00
Call For Lowest Price!
NetCollector CFG Capacity - H
NetCollector Config collection for 5K devices
Our Price: $60,000.00
Call For Lowest Price!
NetCollector CFG Capacity - VH
NetCollector Config collection for 10K devices
Our Price: $100,000.00
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NetCollector Polling Options (Optional - one per Base)
NetCollector Polling - S
Our Price: $15,000.00
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NetCollector Polling - M
Our Price: $30,000.00
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NetCollector Polling - H
Our Price: $50,000.00
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NetCollector other Options (Optional)
NetCollector Feature 3Party EMS Adapters
Our Price: $25,000.00
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SteelCentral NetCollector Supports
Support NetCollector Base
Our Price: $1,008.00
Support NetCollector CFG Capacity - S
Our Price: $5,004.00
Support NetCollector CFG Capacity - M
Our Price: $9,000.00
Support NetCollector CFG Capacity - H
Our Price: $12,000.00
Support NetCollector CFG Capacity - VH
Our Price: $20,004.00
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Support NetCollector Polling - S
Our Price: $3,000.00
Support NetCollector Polling - M
Our Price: $6,000.00
Support NetCollector Polling - H
Our Price: $10,008.00
Support NetCollector Feature 3Party EMS Adapters
Our Price: $5,004.00