Riverbed SteelCentral UCExpert Standard
Manage the complete lifecycle of unified communications
The four key capabilities needed to manage the complete lifecycle of Cisco and Avaya unified Communications
Formerly Known As: OPNET Unified Communications Xpert
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with up to 9,999 existing licenses.
Our Price: $21.00
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Business Challenge
If you are responsible for supporting a unified communications (UC) system, you know how challenging it can be to troubleshoot and resolve call performance issues. Native UC administration tools often do not provide enough information to understand the scope and root cause of service interruptions. Even if you find a misconfiguration problem, you simply do not have time or resources to find out how widespread the problem is or prevent additional issues. Sending technicians to remote sites to troubleshoot phone problems adds additional cost and further delays problem resolution. You need a tool that proactively manages the end-to-end unified communications lifecycle, including new deployments, upgrades, and ongoing operations.
The Riverbed Solution
Riverbed SteelCentral UCExpert provides a complete solution to manage your Cisco and Avaya UC deployment and ongoing operations, with configuration management, automated proactive testing, performance monitoring, and remote troubleshooting.
Implementing unified communications can be challenging and time-consuming with unpredictable impacts. UCExpert can help you overcome these challenges and execute UC project deployments on time and on budget with confidence through systematic, standardized and automated user acceptance testing. If you identify issues, you can remotely troubleshoot them and retest until the problem is solved and verified.
For ongoing operations, UCExpert offers performance monitoring and alerting capabilities to complement the proactive, scheduled testing. During business hours, you can monitor real calls for failures and poor quality while scheduling tests to run off-hours to detect problems not yet discovered by users.
In addition, empower your support staff to more effectively triage end-user tickets with UCExpert’s powerful troubleshooting capabilities, including:
- Side-by-side phone configuration comparison reporting
- Remote phone control
- One-click access to recent call history
Reduce ticket escalations, decrease mean time to repair (MTTR) and standardize on ticket troubleshooting processes.
Finally, UCExpert configuration management capabilities allow users to quickly identify configuration mistakes and changes that resulted impacted voice service. With the sophisticated change-tracking technology, UCExpert users can resolve problems quickly with little to no user impact.
Key Benefits
- Ensure deployments and migrations are successfully completed on time and on budget
- Eliminate expensive, customer-impacting outages with nightly health checks
- Reduce troubleshooting cost with remote phone control functionality
- Gain visibility into changes and isolate root cause with daily snapshots of the uc environment
- Detect problems before the impact users with automated, proactive testing
Key Features:
UCExpert monitors and supports the entire UC lifecycle for both Cisco and Avaya deployments with configuration management, automated testing using actual phones, and remote troubleshooting without end-user involvement.
Configuration Management
- Performs daily snapshots of the UC environment and tracks changes including additions, deleted and updates of elements before and after
- Quickly identifies the root cause of problems introduced through configuration changes
- Graphically displays real-time key performance indicators (KPIs
- Records historical performance data to show conditions leading up to threshold violations
- Extracts configuration data from multiple call servers for review and analysis
Automated Testing
- Conducts proactive testing using real phones to verify voice service availability from the end-user perspective
- Detects all call routing problems including those caused by service providers
- Tests for security and compliance violations (900 and Toll Fraud)
- Performs regression testing after daily changes are complete
Remote Troubleshooting
- Takes control of phone settings to correct issues or for training purposes
- Displays the phone screen as the end user sees it to replicate issues and confirm fixes without end-user involvement
- Compares troubled user with working reference phone or previous version of troubled phone
- Remote phone control functionality reduces expenses and speeds troubleshooting by eliminating the need to dispatch technicians to remote sites
Performance Management
- Alerts on problems in voice quality, service availability, performance, security, capacity and other key performance metrics
- Monitors devices for server health to understand CPU utilization, disk space and standard usage patterns
- Generates historic reports for SIP trunk utilization, call admission control bandwidth, device registration and more so you can gain visibility into resources and adjust as needed
UCExpert is available as a Linux-based software package or Virtual OVA image. There are no agents or probes, all data is collected programmatically via standard, vendor-supported APIs.
Support for Cisco Unified Communications applications including:
- Unified Communications Manager 4.X-10.X
- Unity Connection 5.X-10.X
- Contact Center Express 7.X-10.X
- Presence Server 7.X-10.X
- Immersive Telepresence Availability Testing Monitoring & Reporting
Support for Avaya Aura Communications applications including:
- Communications Manager 5.2-6.X
- Enablement Services 6.3
Download the Riverbed SteelCentral UCExpert Datasheet (.PDF)
- Pricing and product availability subject to change without notice.
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with up to 9,999 existing licenses.
Our Price: $21.00
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with 10,000 to 30,000 existing licenses.
Our Price: $15.40
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with 30,000 to 100,000 existing licenses.
Our Price: $11.90
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with 100,000 to 250,000 existing licenses.
Our Price: $7.70
UCExpert Standard phone license (new or add-on) for accounts with 250,000 or more existing licenses.
Our Price: $4.20